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Our Barre workouts target the muscles in your arms, thighs, seat and abs to the point of fatigue and then stretches them for relief.  This effective (and fun!) process includes muscle defining arm exercises, intense thigh and seat sequences, waist-chiseling ab moves and fluid stretches.  It's not easy, but that's exactly why it works! 


Beach Yoga

Find your zen!  No pre-registration needed!  Beach Yoga means summer!  Join us on Washington Ave in Margate for some fun in the sun!  Bring a beach towel instead of a mat (the sand always gets stuck in our mats!).  Let the sun shine on you!


Hot 26/2 Yoga (Bikram Style)

Yes, we know traditional Bikram is hot and long.  So, we offer choices...Tuesday, Friday and Sunday are traditional (think 26 poses) Bikram classes while Monday and Thursday's classes are Bikram inspired (maybe not all 26 poses done twice and maybe a Vinyasa thrown in here and there).  Both will leave you in a pile of luscious sweat.  Check it out and tell us what you prefer - we're curious!  Please come hydrated and ready to sweat!


Jumpboard Pilates

An unbelievable cardio experience using jumpboards on the reformer. Improve endurance as you tone – Absolutely amazing!  The Pilates Jumpboard class is an hour long and creatively integrates Reformer exercises with the jumpboard attachment.  The class is intelligently organized to optimize flow and fluid transitions with interval jumping to elevate the heart rate for weight loss and muscle building.  Pre-registration required.


Mat Pilates

Just show up a few minutes before class and prepare to be wowed.  The story goes something like this..."in a world where the core is king, one class stands alone...the MAT."  This epic class is what you need for a full body transformation.  You get stronger, slimmer and svelte.  Think Scarlett Johansson in Avengers. You get the idea.  Your body will have a happy storybook ending!


Reformer Pilates

.Pre-registration required.  Instead of just working on the “vanity muscles” – the muscles you see in the mirror – Pilates strengthens the “postural muscles” – the internal, stabilizing muscles of your body – so that your posture, balance and core strength all improve WHILE you sculpt the body of your dreams!  All Pilates classes use the Reformer Machine.  Private sessions available and required for all brand new students.


Stretch & Relax

No pre-registration needed.  Just come a few minutes before start time to settle down for much needed you time! This class is just what it's called - enjoy a delicious stretch while you practice relaxing.  Our brains are often all over the place.  This mind blowing class will leave you renewed, refreshed and restored!


Yoga Flow

Vinyasa classes are taught in a non-competitive environment, with teachers offering variations for all levels of students, allowing students to work at their own pace. Multi-level and open to all students, but not recommended for first-time students. Some basic knowledge of yoga poses and alignment strongly recommended. Introduction to inversions, more challenging back bends and arm balances. Every NJ Yoga Zone class is structured to include a physical yoga workout, an emphasis on complete breathing and a relaxing cool down. The specifics of each class are tailored to address the individual needs and experience of the students.


Yoga Flow "Plus"

A challenge!  Just show up a few minutes before start time for an intensely fun class, combining yoga flow with high intensity movement and music.  Perfect for men and women seeking a challenging and invigorating workout, excellent  cross training for strength, endurance and flexibility.  Temperature: warm!


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